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Family Resources

Family Resources



Please review the information below for resources and commonly asked questions.


Early Childhood Resource Guide



Common Questions about the Berwyn South School District 100 Preschool Program


Q: How can my child attend the preschool program?


A: All children who attend a School District 100 supported preschool programs, must complete 

a preschool screening. Screenings occur monthly. Please call 708-303-4028 to schedule an 



Q: Who is eligible for the Program?


A: Children ages 3-5 who live in the Berwyn South District boundaries. 


Q: Does my child need to be potty-trained to attend?


A: No, we do not require a child to be potty trained.


Q: How long is your program?


A: Preschool classes are five days a week for 2.5 hours. Children attend either a morning or 

afternoon session.


Q: What if I need childcare all day?


A: School District 100 partners with early childhood centers who do provide all day childcare. 

Full day care can be arranged.

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